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Hailed as the “high priestess of vocal apocalypse”, Diamanda Galás is an artist like no other.

In collaboration with video artist Davide Pepe, Schrei 27 is a powerful film adaptation of Diamanda Galás’ original radio work and subsequent quadraphonic performance, Schrei X. Galás’ haunting vocals traverse Beckettian monologues, ranging from sung melodies to piercing shrieks, whispered confessions, and anguished cries. Originally performed in pitch darkness at Performance Space 122 in 1996, Schrei 27 now brings this visceral experience to the screen.

The film immerses viewers in a relentless exploration of the physical and psychological torment endured by a body trapped within the confines of a mental health institution. Galás confronts the audience with a stark visual and sonic portrayal of torture, highlighting the profound suffering experienced by the powerless. Through her art, Galás exposes the brutality of such oppression, aiming to convey the complete demoralization and dehumanization inflicted upon the captive.

Schrei 27 serves as a poignant reminder of the fragility of human resilience in the face of institutionalized cruelty. Galás’ uncompromising vision forces audiences to confront uncomfortable truths about the depths of human suffering and the erosion of identity in oppressive environments.

1980s Anonymous - Diamanda Galas performing


Author James Harrup

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