Pure Story Workshop type – Day in the Story Room. Part 1 – Idea capture.
Participants – Andrea Babic // James William Harrup
Pure Story System – 01
“Working with James at Pure Story really helped me make sense of all the thoughts and ideas in my own head. It helped me see many aspects of my brand, my product, of my purest WHY AM I DOING THIS question that I had not seen before. It’s funny how quickly your perspective and your view on something can change so much just by sitting down with an expert like James. The beauty of the whole thing was James was facilitating and guiding rather than just giving me the answers. He was engaging in a deep conversation with me and asking the right questions. And now the bones of my story are there, on paper and it feels so much more real. Holy shit, it’s happening! I love his method, it’s straight forward but unique!”
Andrea Babic – CEO Sisu Stories UG
If, as current wisdom has it, the story is king, then idea is god and that’s what we did one cold dark afternoon in Berlin. We found god in Neukölln. We found the core vitalising spark of Andrea’s idea. Her why.
I was lucky enough to meet Sarajevo born, Canadian raised Andrea at a Flow work training day (run by the excellent Dr. Antoine Larchez) and was struck by her passion and commitment to her project – to create a sock brand championing unsung women, heroes of culture. I approached her after the event and asked if she knew her story?
Could she tell it to me in one line. Did it guide her, was her story her strategy, was it her motivation and a guiding principle. If not we had work to do.
So as we progressed through the first Pure Story System – the custom grid designed to capture the complete state of a business or project, to get it out and up on the wall, to see the wood for the trees, something beautiful emerged. More than creating a quality product with integrity and story literally woven into it, more than this Andrea wanted to create a new way of doing business, one with equality and respect at it’s core. A new way of operating in the business landscape that reconfigured the power structure at every stage of development, production and sales to ensure genuine equality and a genuine new culture where women and men work in harmonious difference.
The socks will undoubtedly be objects of exquisite beauty but Andrea’s true legacy may just be a new story of work. A new language of equality and respect in the work place and beyond.