Story helps a young start up to secure the Funding it needs
Story puts an international corporate in touch with its Audience
Story can give a new brand a clear Identity
The Pure essence of all communication,
If you want to have an impact, want to be believed, remembered or even considered – You need a Pure Story.
Story is the emotional and strategic core at the heart of any business, brand, product or venture.

Through a series of engagements, using our custom Strategic Storytelling methodology, we work together to find the central idea, the precise purpose, intention and emotional heart of what you do.
Around this story core we then go on to craft a top level strategic narrative that clearly and concisely engages your team and your audience around your brand story to power marketing, sales and growth. Supported by regular health checks to ensure your story stays pure.

Everyone from students to startups can learn the the essentials of Strategic Storytelling – strategic narrative and brand story design. With this intensive, hands on series of presentations and workshops we guide you through the underlying ‘anatomy of a story’ in structured group sessions using custom canvases and worksheets, supported by one on one coaching, to help you define what your story is and how it can be best constructed and delivered to your audience.

“Our brains are wired, not just to hear, see and understand stories, but to actively feel them. That’s why they are so effective at informing opinion, because they literally change our minds.“
Strategic narrative and brand storytelling consultant, James William Harrup delves deep into the heart and mind of story to deliver original, engaging and inspiring visions of what story really is, to audiences in companies, conferences and events around the world.
Whether your audience is clients, customers, employees or investors,
the Pure Story – Strategic Narrative System Sets precisely map, design, build and deliver your story, for the most effective results in communication, positioning, acquisition, awareness and growth.